Generating an Amendment List (including Proceedings, ping pong lists and reason documents)
You can generate an official Amendment List from the Amendment Manager or Official Lists tab. The list will open in the Editor and, depending on list type, may be automatically populated with amendments.

How to generate an Amendment List
You can generate a list in two ways:
From the Amendment Manager tab, from the Amendments Actions dropdown menu, select Create official list.
On the Official Lists tab, click Create List.
To create the list:
From the Amendment list drop-down menu in the Create amendment list dialog box, select the type of list you want to generate.
Select the correct stage - Committee, Report and Ping Pong all have their own individual formats and rubrics.
Fill in the subsequent information in the dialog box according to your selected list type.
Click Create
The system will generate a list document and open it in the Editor.
The list will be accessible from the Official Lists tab (to all users in the same organisation as you).
with the appropriate amendments, and loaded in the Editor sorted and numbered as required. With Ping Pong Proceedings, the motions and amendments appear in the order of the amendments they refer back to from the Consolidated List of Amendments.
How to generate Manuscript Amendment Lists (Scottish Parliament & Lords only)
To create a manuscript list, you need to select the amendments you want to include in the list before generating it.
From the Amendment Manager tab, select the amendment(s) that you want to include in the list using the checkboxes on the left. You can use the filter to help locate the amendments you want (see Filtering amendments).
From the Amendments Actions dropdown menu select Create official list.
Select the manuscript list type.
Fill in the other fields in the dialog box.
Click Create.
The system will generate a list containing the selected amendments, sorted and numbered according to Marshalled List rules.
Scottish Parliament amendment lists
See Scottish Amendment Lists for more information on the different types of lists and the rules used to generate them
House of Commons and House of Lords amendment lists
See also:
If you generated a Commons Marshalled List, the list will be empty when you first create it. You will need to run 'Update List' to populate it with amendments.
You can start adding motions or resolutions (Programme Motions) directly into Commons Marshalled List and Commons Proceedings as required.
If you are creating a Marshalled List for ping pong motions, make sure you select "stage = Ping Pong" for the rubric at the top of the list to be correct
To create a Reasons document you will need Reason motions set to 'Ready for Publishing' as with all Commons lists, you will need to generate the empty list first, then run "Tools > Update List" to populate it with motions.
Generating a House of Lords Daily List is fairly straightforward, as is the Running List. Generating a Marshalled List is a little more complex.
The Stage/Committee drop-down menu on the 'Create List' dialogue box is the text that will appear in the list title (hence "on" or "in"). If you wanted to create a new stage/committee then you will need to include the appropriate preposition as required.