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Filtering amendments

Amendments can be filtered by a number of different criteria on the Amendment Manager tab.

The filter can be used as part of workflow for amendments: for example, filtering by status “submitted” will give you a quick way of seeing all amendments that are ready for tabling/lodging.  Alternatively, selecting a particular location will provide a quick way of checking whether any other amendment already exists for the same amendment that you are potentially about to draft. 

How to filter amendments

Click on Filter above the table of amendments.

You can filter using any one or more of the options below. Only amendments matching the filter will be shown in the table of amendments.

  • The list of amendments is already filtered by bill version so filtering the list of amendments, will only return matching amendments for that bill version

  • The filter only works on amendments that you have privileges to see

  • Whenever you navigate away from the ‘Amendment Manager’ tab and return to it, your filter preference will be retained

Amendment Number or unique reference (Dnum)

List of Draft Amendments (LoDA) name - this will offer a drop-down menu containing any existing LoDAs that you have permission to view.  If there are no LoDAs this drop-down will be disabled. You can select one or more.


(section/clause, schedule, target amendment being amended, long title or appropriate place amendments)

  • If you type "Amendment", all amendments to amendments will be returned (SP & UK amendments)

  • For Commons amendments, if you type "new clause" or "new clauses" in the 'Location' field, all new Clause amendments will be returned.  The same applies for new schedule amendments


Filters by the status of the amendment. You can select more than one status.

If you type "All Agreed" in the 'current status' field, the system will return all "Agreed to" and "Agreed to on division" amendments


Searches for any amendment where the selected Member appears as a proposer or a supporter.


Searches for a word or phrase in the amendment comment.

Quick Filters

Lawmaker also has Quick Filters available from the drop down menu next to the Filter button. You can select one of the following to quickly filter the amendments by status:

  • Draft

  • Submitted

  • Tabled

  • Ready For Publishing

These filters are sticky which means if you navigate away from this screen, they will still be applied when you get back.  If you change a bunch of Amendments from Draft to Submitted but leave the Quick Filter set to 'Draft', you will end up with an empty screen!

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