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Scottish Amendment Lists

Daily Lists

Amendments will appear in the Daily List if they were recorded as having been “tabled” before the cut-off date and time, and they haven’t already been published on another list.


Amendments will be sorted by the Order of Consideration if there is one. If there is no Order of Consideration, they will be sorted in the order they appear in the Bill

Amendments are also sorted by:

  • their Page, line and column number,

  • their specified sort code e.g. M1, M2


Amendments are numbered sequentially 1 - n in the order they appear in the Daily List.  They will continue from the number of the last published amendment.


The system will automatically insert interstitial headings e.g. “Section 2” or “Before schedule 2A” etc between the amendments as appropriate

Amendments to amendments

Amendments to amendments will appear after their target amendment in the sorted list

They are numbered after their target Amendment and are appended with a letter in alphabetical order e.g. 23A, 23B, 23C according to their sort order if more than one was tabled on the same day.

Line numbers will appear automatically against the target amendment in the PDF (not in the Editor) when you generate a PDF of the Daily List or Marshalled List (including Manuscript amendments and Scripted Marshalled Lists)

Marshalled Lists

Amendments will appear in the Marshalled List if they were recorded as having been ‘tabled’ before the cut-off date and time (and not ‘Not Selected’ if stage 3), and they haven’t already got an outcome recorded against them e.g. Withdrawn before debate, Agreed to etc.


  • Same as Daily Lists


Same rule as Daily Lists.

In most cases, amendments will already have been numbered on Daily Lists, but it is possible to include new amendments in the Marshalled Lists which will automatically be numbered according to the same rule as Daily Lists.


The system will automatically insert interstitial headings e.g. “Section 2” or “Before schedule 2A” etc between the amendments as appropriate

Amendments to amendments

Amendments to amendments will appear after their target amendment in the sorted list

They are numbered after their target Amendment and are appended with a letter in alphabetical order e.g. 23A, 23B, 23C according to their sort order if more than one was tabled on the same day.

Line numbers will appear automatically against the target amendment in the PDF (not in the Editor) when you generate a PDF of the Daily List or Marshalled List (including Manuscript amendments and Scripted Marshalled Lists)

Starred amendments

These will appear automatically if this is the first list that an amendment has appeared on (i.e. it is a ‘new’ amendment)

Manuscript Amendments/Supplement to the Marshalled List

You can create manuscript amendment list by pre-selecting the amendments to be inserted into the list and selecting "Manuscript List" on the 'Create List' dialogue box.  This will generate a Marshalled List, only containing the selected amendments.  These amendments will be sorted and numbered using the same rules as the Marshalled List.

You can now add a note to a Scottish Parliament Daily List, a step which then allows you to generate Manuscript Daily Lists.  You can insert a Note with your cursor either in the Bill Title, or in the Bill Stage.  Press 'enter' to bring up the CCA, and it will give you the option to add a Note.  The Note is formatted in italics.

Scripted Marshalled Lists

To create a Scripted Marshalled List, you will need to duplicate your last published Marshalled List.  First of all, insert a 'Script' element using the 'insert' menu in the appropriate place in the list.  You can then use the 'insert' menu to insert pre-populated scripts (based on the old Word template).  These pre-populated scripts will need manual modification once inserted e.g. adding a Member's name or Amendment numbers.  

To insert a script at the start of the amendment list, you need to get your cursor into the 'List body' element.  To do this:

  1. put your cursor at the beginning of the first interstitial heading (the bold, centred headings that appear before amendments in a certain group e.g. "Before Section 1",

  2. use the left arrow to move your cursor into the 'List body' element:

    1. Check the breadcrumb that appears at the top or bottom of the Editor.  When the cursor is in the correct place, the last breadcrumb will be 'List body'.  

  3. click 'enter' to get the insert menu.

  4. select 'Script' which will insert a script box before the first interstitial heading  

To create line breaks/spacing in these boxes, insert ‘non-breaking whitespace’ into the paragraph elements using the ‘Insert special characters’ button in the upper toolbar.  This will ensure that the PDF retains the spacing created by these ‘empty’ paragraph elements.

Groupings Lists

To create your first Groupings List for an amending stage, generate one from the “Create List” button.  The system will load an empty Groupings List document in the Editor.  You will need to manually insert the different groupings (including grouping notes and timing information as required). You can also add ‘Notes’ for any Group as required. To add additional paragraphs to the ‘Notes’ select ‘Note’ from the Insert menu.  To add timing information, select ‘Timings’ from the Insert menu. When you have added all the groupings with amendment numbers comma separated, you will need to trigger the automatic ‘Populate Groupings List’.  If you make further changes to the amendment numbers, you will need to re-run the ‘Populate Groupings List’ function.

To create subsequent Groupings Lists, the easiest thing to do would be to duplicate the last published Groupings List and copy and paste Groupings into the ‘Groupings already debated’ to save you from keying in all the information again.  Once you have made the necessary changes, re-run ‘Populate Groupings List’ to update the full text versions of the amendments appearing at the back of the document.  Don’t forget to update the ‘Document Information’ panel with new information that will appear in the footer of the Groupings List once the PDF is generated.

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