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Sharing a document with another organisation

You can share a document with another organisation. When you share a document, Lawmaker creates a read-only significant version which can be seen by users in the organisation it was shared with and users in your organisation. Users in the other organisation will not get access to your working version or to changes you make after the document is shared.

Sharing a document can be useful for:

  • review purposes,

  • handing over ownership of a document, e.g. for introduction in Parliament or handing over an SI for processing by the departmental Parly Clerks.  

How to share a document

  1. On the Project Tab, select Actions > Share version on the document version you would like to share.

  2. Select the organisation you want to share it with and then click on Share.

The system will create a Significant Version which will appear on the right-hand side of the ‘Project’ tab with read only access to users from the other organisation

Hints and tips

  • The Significant Version becomes read only to all users with access to it to maintain the integrity of the version that was shared.

  • Users from the organisation will only be able to see the Significant Version of the document – they will not be able to see the working version or any of its snapshot versions.

  • When you share a document, a snapshot version is created in the same series as the working version that you shared, only visible to users with access to the working version.

  • The default organisation in the drop-down list will be set to the last organisation that you shared a document with.

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