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How to create high resolution images of forms etc. from Word to insert into Lawmaker

Sometimes you may need to include something in your Lawmaker document that you can’t create within Lawmaker, e.g. a complex form, notice or table.

One way round this is to create the form etc. in Microsoft Word and then insert an image of it into Lawmaker. It is important, however, that you create a high-resolution image so it looks okay when included in the PDF or printed.

This page details the steps to take to create a high-resolution image.

  1. First, Create your form, notice or table etc. in Word (making sure it fits on page and isn’t split over two pages).

  2. Save the Word doc as a PDF.

  3. Open the PDF in Acrobat Reader (not in your browser).

  4. In Acrobat Reader, select Edit menu>preferences...>General.

  5. Make sure the box "Use fixed resolution for Snapshot tool images" is checked and enter 300 in the resolution box and click Ok.

  6. Go to the Edit menu again in Acrobat and select Take a Snapshot.

  7. Use the snapshot tool to draw a selection box around the form/notice/etc., staying as close to the edges of the form etc. as possible.

  8. Open the Paint application on your computer.

  9. Paste in snapshot from clipboard (press Ctrl+V).

  10. Save the image as a jpeg.

  11. Use the normal Lawmaker insert image function to insert it into your document.

See Images for general help on working with images.

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