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Confirming which SI/SSI document version should be published

When a SI/SSI has been through its final checks and is either Made, ready to be Made, or a Draft SI/SSI, it may be necessary to confirm to processing colleagues which document version should be used for registration and publishing.

The correct version can be highlighted in several ways:

SI/SSIs to be published

  1. This section applies to final Made or Draft SI/SSIs.

  2. Ensure the document version to be published is final and error free, with no updates required for registration and publishing.

  3. Go to the SI/SSIs project tab.

  4. Go to the Actions' menu of the document version to be published and select Generate PDF

  5. Close the PDF and on the Project page go to the most recent PDF listed under the required version.

  6. Select Download a zip file from the PDF’s Actions' menu. The zip file may be saved automatically to your Downloads folder. The zip should include a PDF and XML file of the required version.

  7. Email the zip file to the team that will submit the SI/SSI to TNA for registration and publishing.

SI/SSIs to be Made and/or published

  1. This section applies to SI/SSIs which need to be Made, in addition to Draft SI/SSIs not provided to the processing team in a zip file (see above).

  2. Go to the SI/SSIs Project tab.

  3. The document version required will saved be on the left hand side of the tab in a green rectangle or tile. The green tile will be in a top level white container. In the image below the white containers are labelled: Drafting, POE and Processing.

Left hand side of SI/SSI Project page

  1. Go to the green tile including the version to be published. In the example above, this is in the ‘POE’ white container (POE for Pair of Eyes Check) and is labelled ‘1st draft’.

  2. On the left side of 1st draft green tile is a black triangle. Select the triangle and a list of grey document versions and snapshots will appear.

  3. Go to the version to be published. From its Actions' menu select Duplicate version

  4. Give the new duplicate version a name, the example above is ‘Duplicate version for processing'.

  5. Save the duplicate version in its own white container labelled ‘Processing’ or similar. When naming containers and specific document versions follow any naming conventions your organisation may use.

  6. The duplicated version is automatically listed under the 1st draft, labelled ‘Duplicated’

  7. The duplicate labelled ‘Duplicate version for processing', in its own white container, is ready for the processing team to work on. Selecting the version's edit icon will open the Editor screen.

Edit icon highlighted in yellow

  1. Back on the SI/SSIs Project page, copy and paste the link at the top of the Project page into an email.

Project page link highlighted in yellow

  1. Add the SI/SSI’s title, and the labels of the duplicate to be published (here ‘Duplicate version for processing’) and its container ('Processing') to the email and send to the processing team.

  2. Check with email recipients that the version to be published is clear.

Related information

Submitting an SI/SSI to TNA

Processing and submitting SI/SSIs

Tips for SI & SSI drafters working with processing teams

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