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What's new in version 11.3?


This is a minor release containing a number of support fixes.

In addition it includes some updates to the API to help with integration with UK Parliament’s systems.

This version was released on 1 April 2022.

Detail of support issues fixed


Description of bug/change

Lawmaker feedback log reference/Raised by


Consolidated List of Amendments being sorted incorrectly

Raised by HoL


Automatic timeout not behaving correctly

Raised by various


Scottish Parliament PDFs: spacing issue with cross heading in quoted structure

Raised by SP


Body elements appear in CCA/insert menu

Raised by project team


Can’t apply amendments when the eId of the clause/section has an occurrence counter

Raised by project team


Can’t generate PDFs (environment issue)

Raised by HoL

SPT-632 / SPT-834

Various issues with accessibility

Ongoing accessibility work


Add DCMS, BEIS and DfT as organisations

Raised by TNA


Amendment being applied to bill when the line number was incorrect

Raised by HoL


Inserting covers when in 'Edit portion' mode deletes data

Raised by OPC


Pushing provisions into another document introduces spaces between //ref elements

Raised by PCO


Disaster recovery health checks not performing correctly

Support management work


Page number not appearing on last page of SI PDFs

Raised via TNA

API updates

The API was updated to:

  • add paging to endpoints that might deliver lots of results (/ids and /amendments)

  • adjust the /amendments endpoint to be more consistent with the /all documents endpoint

  • use URIs that are relevant to the environment rather than absolute.

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