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What's new in version 11?

Release Date: 3 December 2021


v.11.0.0 is a release that brings more productivity and generic editor enhancements; features allowing Finance Resolutions to be drafted and managed in Lawmaker; document permissions so you can restrict access to documents (and consequently the projects they are in); and further enhancements to amendments, including ping pong.  We've continued working on inline amendment creation and auto-apply of amendments, but these features won't be ready for use until a later release planned for the end of this year.

Productivity and generic editor enhancements

  1. Finalise documents - a quicker way to renumber, update x-refs and insert front and back covers into bill documents without opening the editor.  

  2. Copy document to another project - an easy way to move documents of the same type between projects.

  3. Rename folders - an easy way to manage your documents on the Project tab and implement your preferred folder naming convention.

  4. Sort working versions of documents alphabetically on the 'Project' and 'Amendment Workspace' tabs

  5. Insert equations - you can create complex mathematical equations using the new equation editor.  When inserted, it will include the "Where " statement that often accompanies math equations.

  6. Copy provisions from multiple documents - allows you to merge different documents in the same project into a single document. 

  7. Insert origin information - you can now capture origin information against provisions in a bill which will be used to construct the tables of origins/destinations for a consolidation Bill.

  8. Improved the 'Document Check' error/advisory messages - we are continually improving these document check messages.  We've included some extra ones with this iteration, including checking the number format of different provisions and identifying leading spaces which can mess up the PDF presentation (these are often introduced when copying and pasting from external sources (not through smart paste))

  9. Convert subsection-like elements (e.g. Paragraphs in SIs or subsections in Bills) to Schedule sub-paragraphs and vice versa using cut,copy and paste

  10. Table enhancements including unmerge cells, insert numbered provisions inside table cells and adjust individual column widths.

Finance Resolution features

It is now possible to create and manage Finance Resolution documents inside Finance Bill projects.  These documents can contain one or many Resolutions which can be drafted using the same Editor features as Bills.  

You can merge the content of one or more Resolution Documents into a single document using the 'copy provisions from multiple documents' feature or merge specific resolutions using the "Copy provisions from another document" feature.  Resolution text is auto-converted into subsections or schedule sub-paragraph text when pasted into Bill documents (and vice versa).

You can move Finance Resolution documents between projects using the newly implemented 'copy document to another project' feature.

Cover pages and contents can be inserted into the Finance Resolution documents in the same way that you insert front covers and tables of contents into Bills.  A s.5 PCTA Resolution statement is automatically included if you have marked any Resolutions in the document as being an s.5 PCTA Resolution.

The document permissions will allow you to control access to these documents as they are drafted. 

Finance resolution documents can be published to the API to enable integration with other systems/organisations.

Document permissions

By default, a document's permissions are set so that users in the same organisation as the creator will have read/write access.  You can now restrict access to a working version so that only named users will be able to see and edit the document.  (You can only restrict access to users within the same organisation as you.)  This can be done at the point of creating the project to restrict access to the first working version or when creating a new document in a project (by uploading a document or creating a new blank document). Permissions on individual working versions can also be updated at any later point.  As the project inherits its permissions from the documents within it, your project will only be visible to a user with access to at least one document within it.  

There is also a new 'Document Administrator' role that has come in with document permissions.  This role can be assigned to a user in your organisation giving them the ability to see all restricted documents in your organisation and to edit their permissions, but not to edit the documents themselves in the Editor.  If this role is assigned, then the user could update the permissions of a document if, for example, all those with access to it are unavailable but the document was required urgently - otherwise the same can be achieved by raising a support request with the Lawmaker team.

Enhancements to amendments including ping pong

  1. A warning is presented if any amendments being submitted contain tracked changes or comments

  2. A setting in the Editor allows you to turn on/off line numbering of ping pong amendments and motions in PDFs

  3. Individual amendments can be selected and published to Lawmaker's API/Public Document Repository (PDR) and are published automatically when an amendment list is published

  4. Lords ping pong 'amendments to amendments' and 'consequential amendments' can be created

  5. Reason Motions can be drafted and submitted to House of Commons

  6. Commons users can generate Reasons documents, containing all  submitted Reason motions


Various support fixes, including improved compliance with accessibility guidelines.

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