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Updating the status of amendments within the Editor

The status amendments can be updated individually or in bulk in the Editor. This feature is only available to parliamentary users.

All amendments start with a status of “draft”. Their status can then be updated to reflect the lifecycle of the amendments, e.g., to show that the amendment has been submitted to parliament or to record the outcome of a parliamentary vote on the amendment.

How to update the status of a single amendment

  1. Place your cursor within the text of the amendment you want to update.

  2. Click on the Amendment Status panel on the right hand side of the Editor.

  3. The current status will be shown next to the Status label. Below that will be a series of buttons showing the possible transitions from the current status. For example, if the status is “Submitted” then buttons for Tabled and Rejected will be shown.

  4. To select a new status, click on the appropriate button. The button will change colour to indicate that it has been selected. You can click on it again to deselect it, leaving the current status unchanged.

When you save the list containing the amendment, the new status will be committed and the Amendment Status panel will be updated to show the current status.

If you want to revert the status of an amendment back to an earlier status or to change the status to something other than one of the normally-allowed transitions, you can directly manage the lifecycle events stored in the XML by clicking on Manage lifecycle events - see Undoing an amendment status/managing lifecycle events

How to update the status of a number of amendments at the same time

You can update the status of all the amendments in a list, or a subset of the amendment, using the Bulk update statuses button on the Amendment Status panel.

By default, the status of all amendments will be updated. To select a subset, click on the Amendments to update dropdown and use the checkboxes next to each amendment to select or deselect the desired amendments.

Use the Status transition dropdown menu to select the status update you want to make. The menu will show all the possible transitions for amendments of the type in the document (e.g. Scottish amendments, Commons amendments or Lords amendments).

Click Update once you have selected the amendments and the status transition.

The update will only apply to amendments that have the status first mentioned in the transition. For example, if you select “Submitted to Tabled” then the update will apply to all selected amendments that currently have a status of “Submitted”; it will ignore any amendments that have different statuses but a message will pop up informing you that some amendments were not updated.

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