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Recording outcomes against ping pong motions (incl. republishing on the website)

After debate, the outcomes need to be recorded against each motion. It’s possible to do this via a temporary list or by editing the latest Marshalled List. The process for recording the outcomes is the same for both approaches. Once you have recorded outcomes, you will need to republish the ping pong motions in order for the website to reflect the changes.

How to record outcomes against ping pong motions

Option 1: recording outcomes using a Marshalled List

  1. From the Official List tab, find and open the latest marshalled list (green version)

  2. Update the ping pong motions with outcomes

    1. Place your cursor in the first ping pong motion

    2. Open Amendment Status in the right-hand panel

    3. Select the appropriate outcome from the buttons on this panel

    4. Move to the next ping pong motion (Alt + K to move down through the list, or Alt+H to move back up through the list)

    5. Continue for each ping pong motion

  3. When complete, save and close the Editor

Option 2: recording outcomes using a temporary list

  1. From the Amendment Manager, select the ping pong motions you want to record outcomes against

  2. Select Amendment Actions > Create temporary list

  3. In the Editor, update the ping pong motions with outcomes

    1. Place your cursor in the first ping pong motion

    2. Open Amendment Status in the right-hand panel

    3. Select the appropriate outcome from the buttons on this panel

    4. Move to the next ping pong motion (Alt + K to move down through the list, or Alt+H to move back up through the list)

    5. Continue for each ping pong motion

  4. When complete, save and close the Editor

How to re-publish updated ping pong motions

Option 1: publishing via the PDF snapshot

  1. From the Official List tab, find your updated green Marshalled List and select Actions > Generate PDF

  2. Expand the same green Marshalled List view to view the snapshot versions below it

  3. Find your recently created PDF snapshot and select Actions > Publish version

  4. Click Publish on the publish warning message

Option 2: publishing via the Amendment Manager

  1. From the Amendment Manager tab, find the ping pong motions you just updated with outcomes

  2. Select them all using the check boxes

  3. Select Amendment Actions > Publish selected amendments from the dropdown menu in the top right of the page

  4. Expand the same green Marshalled List view to view the snapshot versions below it

  5. Click Publish on the publish warning message

Ensure you have schedule an update in LegHub before you go home. This can be done at any time during the day in LegHub, even before you have republished the updated ping pong motions - as long as the scheduled update time is late enough to run after you have finished making your changes.

  • Use keyboard shortcut Alt + K to move down or Alt + H to move back up the list of amendments

  • Use the filters on the ‘Amendment Manager’ tab to help you find the ping pong motions that need updating/republishing

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