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Opening a document in the Editor


To open a document in the Editor, you will need to be on the Project Tab.

When you open a document it will open in a new tab or window. Working versions are opened in read/write mode; if you open a snapshot version or a significant version, it will open read-only.

As well as opening the whole document, you can edit smaller portions of the document which will be faster - see Opening and editing a portion of document .

How to open a document in the Editor

  1. On the project tab, click on the Open icon on the version you want to open. The icon depends on whether you can edit the document or just view it. See below.

  2. The system will load the Editor and display the selected document version in read only or editable format depending on the document-level permissions:

Open the document with read/write access for editing

Open the document read-only

  • You can switch back to the Project Tab when you have a document open without losing what you are working on because it will be in a different tab.

  • The bill is presented in a similar format to printed bills but without any page-related furniture (e.g. page numbers, running headers) or print layout (page width and page breaks)

  • You can open more than one document at the same time; each will be in a separate tab.

  • You can open the same document in more than one tab but you will only be able to edit the document in the first tab. Subsequent versions will be opened in read only format to avoid confusion when editing  

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