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Viewing traditional amendments


Once you have created and saved an inline amendment, it is possible to preview the traditional amendment created.

How to view traditionally formatted amendments

  1. From the Inline Amendment Tools right-hand panel, click on View Traditional Amendments button

  2. A new tab will open listing all inline amendments converted to traditionally formatted amendments

  • The new tab that opens with the traditional amendments will be editable allowing you to further polish each amendment in this format if required

  • You can update the text or proposer/supporter information of an inline-derived amendment in traditional form (including adding explanatory statements for UK amendments).  As traditional amendments are not backwards synchronised to their inline equivalent a warning marker is set against the inline amendment whenever you save changes to its traditional form.  This mark prevents users from saving changes to the inline amendment and unwittingly overwriting any changes made to the traditional form.  This warning marker can be manually removed if desired, which will allow you to save changes to the inline amendment. 

  • DO NOT insert new amendments into the traditional document derived from the inline document. You will need to create a separate traditional List of Draft Amendments (LoDA) to create additional amendments.

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