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Viewing Lists of Draft Amendments (LoDAs)


You can view all lists of draft amendments for a bill by clicking on the particular bill project from the dashboard. 

How to view lists of draft amendments

Select the project you wish to open

  • In tile view: click on the ‘Open’ link  on the bottom of the tile or the project title

  • In list view: click on the open folder button  to the right of the project row or the project title

The system will open the project and present the ‘Project’ tab displaying all versions of the document that you have access to.

Click on the ‘Amendment Workspace' tab to view all lists of draft amendments that you have access to

Hints and tips

Use the ‘search’ box at the top of the ‘Amendment Workspace’ tab to locate a particular LoDA if the list of LoDAs gets unmanageable.

The banner at the top of the page will display the project title (which is derived from the document's title) so it's clear which project you are viewing

To return to the dashboard, click on the home icon in the top left on the banner

You can filter the list of LoDAs by bill version using the bill version drop-down menu in the top left of the screen. 

It will default to the most recently published bill version for ease of use

The document tiles are coloured green if you have edit rights and grey when you only have read-only access.

Working versions are editable (subject to document permissions)

Clicking on the black triangle on a working version will expand the view of any snapshot versions related to this document version series; or hide the snapshot versions

Snapshot versions appear under the working version they relate to.  By default, they are not shown but clicking on the black triangle next to the working version description will show a list of snapshot versions sorted in chronological order. They are most commonly generated automatically when users generate a pdf or download a document bundle to capture the XML at that point in time.   But they can also be generated manually from the editor (see “Save a snapshot version”). 

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