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Renumbering amendments


You can number your amendments using the 'Renumber Amendments' function in the Tools upper tool bar menu.  It is only possible to renumber amendments in the List of Draft Amendments (LoDA), the temporary list opened when you Edit a selection of amendments in the Editor; or the Consolidated List of Amendments.

How to renumber amendments

From the Upper tool bar select "Tools > Renumber Amendments" 

Specify a starting number and click on 'OK'

The system will update the numbers of all amendments in the document

Hints and tips

You can use this function to assign temporary numbers to your amendments as you draft them

The system will not be checking for uniqueness, so if you are using this for official numbering, it will be up to you to ensure the numbers assigned to amendments are unique

This function will overwrite officially assigned numbers so make sure you use this function with caution

This function will help when preparing Consolidated List of Amendments

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