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Renumbering provisions

You can trigger a renumbering of a single provision, the whole document or a selection of provisions within the document.

How to renumber

To trigger a renumber, do one of the following:

  • Click on the Renumber icon in the toolbar,

  • Right-click in the Editor or Structure View and select Renumber,

  • Press keyboard short-cut Alt+n.

If you’ve selected some provisions before triggering renumber then those provisions will be renumbered. Otherwise, you’ll be given a choice of whether to renumber the current provision (i.e. the section, regulation etc. or schedule containing your cursor) or the whole document.

Renumbering the whole document will require locks to be taken on all provisions so can’t be done if anyone else is editing the same document at the time.

If your cursor is within a quoted structure then you’ll be given a choice between the current provision and the whole quoted structure instead.

Lawmaker will renumber the provisions sequentially including all their descendants. It won’t renumber any locked numbers and those numbers will influence subsequent numbers - see Locking and unlocking numbers.

Renumbering and quoted structures

The renumber function will not renumber provisions in quoted structures except where your cursor is within a quoted structure before you trigger the operation.

If you want to renumber a quoted structure, place your cursor within it and then trigger the renumber operation selecting “whole quoted Structure” as the scope of the operation. This will renumber that quoted structure. It won’t renumber any other quoted structures, including any adjacent quoted structures.

See Quoted structures for more on quoted structures generally.

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