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Recording outcomes (including ping pong)


If you are a Parliament user, you will have access to the “Amendment status” panel in the right-hand panel of the Editor where you can update an amendment’s status e.g. tabling (lodging) or recording an debate outcome e.g. “Agreed to” or a pre-debate outcome e.g. “Withdrawn before debate” 

Recording outcomes against amendments

Select one or more amendments that you would like to update and click on the Amendment Action drop-down menu in the top right of the ‘Amendment Manager’ tab and select 'Create temporary List' (alternatively, select a working version of a Marshalled List to open)

Place your cursor in the first amendment in the list and click on the “Amendment Status” panel in the right-hand panel in the Editor

Select the status you would like to change your amendment to e.g. “Withdrawn”

Move to the next amendment using:

The Next >  or < Previous button at the top of the “Amendment Status” panel

Or using keyboard short cuts

  • Alt + k to move to “Next” amendment, or

  • Alt + h to move to  “Previous” amendment

When you have finished making changes, click on the Save button

Recording outcomes against ping pong motions

  1. Select one or more ping pong motions that you would like to update and click on the Amendment Action drop-down menu in the top right of the ‘Amendment Manager’ tab and select 'Create temporary List'  (alternatively, select a working version of a Marshalled List to open)

  2. Follow the steps list above to record the outcome.

How to record outcomes against ping pong amendments (Commons only)

If you want to record outcomes against ping pong amendments but not against the parent motion:

  • Place your cursor in the ping pong amendment, and click on the “Amendment Status” panel in the right-hand panel in the Editor

  • Record the about come using the steps above

If you want to record outcomes against the ping pong motion as well as the ping pong amendments within it you will need to record the outcome against the motion first, then move to the amendment and record the outcome against it next.  Then save.

Hints and tips

You can update the status of amendments in official lists such as Marshalled Lists or Grouping Lists which might make it easier to record outcomes after debate

The changes to amendment statuses will only be applied when you click ‘Save’

To undo a selection, click on the button again to de-select it.

You can manage outcomes from the 'Lifecycle Manager' accessibly by clicking on 'Manage Lifecycle Events' on the 'Amendment Status' right-hand panel.

Scottish Amendments

When you set an amendment to “Withdrawn before debate” the italicised text “Withdrawn” will appear above the amendment’s instruction.  There’s no need to delete the instruction from the Editor as when the Daily List PDF is generated, the instruction will not appear – only the italicised “Withdrawn

House of Commons Amendments

When you set an amendment to "Withdrawn before debate" the amendment will no longer appear in the next Marshalled List/Daily and will need manually adding to the end of the document in the "Withdrawn Amendments" section

You can use the same process to record outcomes against motions and resolutions

When you record an outcome against an amendment, motion or resolution a 'decision outcome' field will appear in the 'Amendment Status' panel.  This is the text that is displayed to the left of the amendment number.  You can change the display of the outcome text in this field.  However, do not use this field to change the outcome of the amendment - you need to select the appropriate button outcome.  This text is to give more flexibility in the text that is displayed on the Proceedings.  This works the same way for ping pong motions.

When you record the outcome against a resolution, it will automatically update the presentation of the resolution so that it is ready for the proceedings.  It will strip the start and end paragraph from the resolution and insert a separate proposer element at the top of the resolution.  If you selected an outcome by mistake, you will need to use 'undo' to revert the resolution back to it's pre-outcome appearance

House of Lords Amendments

When you set an amendment to “Withdrawn before debate” the italicised text “[Withdrawn]” will appear above the amendment’s instruction.  There’s no need to delete the instruction from the Editor as when the Marshalled List PDF is generated, the instruction will not appear – only the italicised “[Withdrawn]”

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