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Opening amendments in the Editor (creating temporary lists)


It is possible to select one or more amendments to open in the Editor to allow you to view or edit amendments depending on your permissions. 

How to open selected amendment in the Editor

Select one or more amendments using the check boxes to the left of the amendments on the ‘Amendment Manager’ tab

Click on the 'Amendment Actions' dropdown menu in the top-right of the screen and select "Create temporary List"

Make changes to the amendments that appear in the Editor (subject to your access privileges)

Save changes and Click on Close Editor above the structure view panel

Hints and tips

Opening the editor to edit selected amendments will create a temporary document that only you will be able to view.

If you do not close the Editor down properly, by clicking on the “X” button above the structure view, then a warning will appear at the top of the ‘Amendment Manager’ tab allowing you to reopen the document and close it down properly.

Only you will be able to see this warning.

You can only have one temporary document open at one time

If you do not have edit rights to an amendment e.g. if you are a Counsel drafter and viewing ‘Submitted’ amendments in the Editor, the amendment  to it, your filter preference will be retained

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