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Managing cross references to other amendments

Cross references can be created to other amendments inside Explanatory Statements.  The system will create a link to the target amendment so that when it is assigned a number, the cross reference e.g. Lawmaker will detect these changes and update the displayed number following an ‘update’ operation.

See References for more information on cross-references generally.

How to create a cross references to an amendment

Manually paste cross references

To manually create a cross-reference to another amendment in an explanatory statement, browse to the target amendment you want to cross refer to using the Structure View

Right-click on the amendment and hover the mouse cursor over the ‘select x-ref to copy’ menu, selecting the amendment cross reference text from the second context menu presented by the system

Return to the Editor view and click with your mouse cursor in the place in your explanatory statement that you would like the cross reference to be inserted

Use the ‘paste’ keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V to insert your cross reference into your specified location.  Manually created cross references will always appear in purple text when they are first inserted, to indicate they are valid.

See the table at the end of References for more details about the formatting of references in the Editor.

How to update cross references to amendments


  • Highlight some text or the whole explanatory statement (by selecting it in the structure view or selecting 'explanatory statement' from the breadcrumb); or

  • Leave your cursor in the amendment list

Specify you would like to check for existing cross references by

  • Clicking the Update references icon in the upper tool bar

  • From the upper tool bar, select Tools > Update x-refs

  • Right-click in Structure view or Editor view and select  Update references, or

  • Use the keyboard short cut Alt + u

If you didn’t highlight a provision, the system will check whether you want to update the current provision that your cursor is in, or whether you want to update the whole quoted structure/amendment list (depending on cursor placement).

Specify your preferred range

The system will attempt to acquire a lock on the appropriate document fragment if it hasn’t got one already and will then update any existing cross references and present any that it finds according to the table below.

How to remove (unwrap) cross references to amendments

See the section on removing references in References for help with removing references.

Hints and Tips

The House of Lords and the House of Commons have agreed for amendment cross references to be inserted as capital "Amendment X" 

The system will present the unique number if the amendment hasn't been assigned a number yet e.g. HoC1.  When the amendment has been assigned a number, running 'Update x-ref' will resolve the cross reference so that it uses the number instead of the unique number.

Don’t use ‘Paste’ from the right-click menus or upper toolbar as this uses a specific “paste special’ method that hasn’t been properly configured to work in our version of the application yet.

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