Some amendment lists display data in the footer relating to the list and/or the bill version that the amendments are amending and this data can be managed in the ‘Document Information’ panel.
How to update document information
Access the Document Information panel either by clicking on the ‘Document Information’ in the right-hand panel
Make changes to any of the fields
The system will update the fields in the document with the changes
SP Marshalled Lists
The information in the ‘Document Information’ right-hand panel is used by the PDF generator to populate the footers.
The display of session and bill year will automatically be formatted correctly by the PDF generator using the information you provide in this panel e.g. Session 5 (2020)
The ‘Version’ input field is used for the text displayed in brackets e.g. “(Supplement)” or “(Revised)” etc.
Lords Daily Sheets, Marshalled Lists and Running Lists
The information in the ‘Document Information’ right-hand panel is used by the PDF generator to populate the footers.
The display of session and year will automatically be formatted correctly by the PDF generator using the information you provide in this panel e.g. 58/1
The ‘Version’ input field is used for the text displayed in brackets e.g. “(Rev)” etc.
You should include the full bill number and list number in the list number field
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