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Document checks - validating your document

As you draft your document, there are a set of validation rules being applied to check the document is correct in terms of legitimate Akomo Ntoso XML as well as some more general drafting practices.

How to review the validity of your document

Expand the right-hand panel by clicking on the grey left-facing arrow halfway down the right-hand side of the Editor window

Click on the ‘Document Checks’ panel

To see what rules have been broken select one or more ‘Phases’ from the drop-down filter

Any validation rules that have been broken will be presented

Using quick fixes

To automatically fix a broken validation rule:

  • From the right-hand Validation panel: find the validation rule tile which has a blue underscore ‘quick fix’ option and click on it;

  • From the tooltip in the Editor (see hints and tips): click on the blue underscore ‘quick fix’ option

The system will update the document which will remove the validation error.

Hints and tips

Work is ongoing with validations.  We will be doing a lot more work in future releases to capture more document checks for both bills and SI/SSIs. 

Click on the validation rule tile in the right-hand panel to see where in the document the specific rule has been broken, with an arrow pointing to it in the Editor

Click on the red underscore in the Editor which represents a broken validation rule to see where the rule is in the Validation right-hand panel

Hover your mouse cursor over the red underscore in the Editor to see a tooltip explaining the validation rule that has been broken

Some validation rules have associated ‘quick fix’ options which will correct the structure of the document and consequently remove the validation error e.g. deleting the ‘text’ element out of provision’s content element.

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