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Converting a resolution into an Order in a Commons Marshalled List


You can convert a resolution in a Marshalled List into an order. This will adjust the formatting and move it to the back of the List.

How to convert a resolution into an Order

  1. Place cursor in the selected resolution.

  2. Right-click and select Convert to order.

The resolution will be removed from the list and a new order (containing the resolution content) will be inserted at the end of the amendment list (before the Withdrawn Amendment section).

Hints and tips

Resolutions are used for Programme Motions.

You should record the outcome against a resolution before converting it into an Order as that means you can copy the resolution and paste it into the Proceedings and it will have the 'proposer' element correctly inserted at the top of the resolution.

If you converted a resolution by mistake, use 'undo' to revert it back into a resolution.

Converting the resolution will additionally strip out the introductory paragraph and ending paragraph of text around the programme motion .

Orders cannot be inserted from the CCA, you need to create a resolution first and use 'Convert to Order'.

You can update the 'proposer' of a resolution by clicking on the blue placeholder which will open an 'Update proposer' dialogue box allowing you to select from a list of Commons Members.

You can change the order of motions/resolutions or orders in the list by using 'drag & drop' in the Structure view.

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