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Rules used to "auto-assign" numbers to provisions

The table below sets out how Lawmaker works out the correct number to assign to a new provision when it is inserted, pasted, or moved. This applies to all provisions when auto-renumber is switched off.

Position of inserted element in a series


Inserting the first provision in a series/ renumbering the first provision in a series

  1. Assign the starting ‘normal/regular’ number for the element type

NB: if the first element inserted in a quoted structure is a num element, the user will have to specify a value in the num element and this num element will automatically be locked. Users might lock additional numbers in a quoted structure e.g. if the numbered element is section-level or above (group of parts, part, chapter or section)

Inserting at the beginning of a series (before existing numbers)

  1. scenario 1

    1. If the first element’s number is a ‘normal/regular’ arabic, alphabetical or roman format:

    2. Take the first element’s number and add an “A” or “a” before it (dependent on case of the first element’s num)

  2. scenario 2

    1. If the element's first number is a ‘normal/regular’ non-arabic format:

    2. Take the first element’s number and add a “Z” or “z” before it (dependent on case of the first element’s num)

Inserting at the end of the series/ renumbering sibling elements after a locked element.

  1. scenario 1

    1. If the value of the last element’s num in the series (or the locked element) is 'normal/regular', assign the inserted element with the next number in the sequence

  2. scenario 2

    1. If the value of the last element’s num in the series (or the locked element) is 'irregular/auto-assigned':

    2. if the last (set of) characters are arabic: duplicate the 'irregular/auto assigned' value but replace the arabic number(s) with the next number in the sequence

    3. if the last character is alphabetical: duplicate the 'irregular/auto assigned' value but replace the last character with the next letter of the alphabet.

  3. scenario 3

    1. If the last character is “Z” or “z”: duplicate the value in the last element's num (or the locked element) and add "1" at the end

  4. scenario 4

    1. If the value of the last element's num in the series (or the locked element) is 'Schedule':

    2. Renumber the last element's num (if it is unlocked) to 'Schedule 1'; and

    3. Assign the inserted element with 'Schedule 2'.

Inserting between two numbers in a series

  1. scenario 1

    1. If both the nums are 'normal/regular' OR if both element nums are 'irregular/auto assigned' with an equal number of characters:

    2. Take the leading element’s number and add an “A” or “a” after it (dependent on the case of the leading element’s num

  2. scenario 2

    1. If the leading num element is 'normal/regular' arabic format and the trailing element is 'irregular/auto assigned' and ends with a non-arabic character:

    2. Take the trailing element’s number and add a “Z” or “z” immediately before it’s last letter (dependent on the case of the leading element’s num)

  3. scenario 3

    1. If the trailing element’s num is a 'normal/regular' arabic format and the leading num element is 'irregular/auto assigned' and ends with an alphabetical character:  

    2. Take the leading element’s number and increment the (last) letter to the next letter of the alphabet

    3. If the last letter is “Z” or “z”, duplicate the value in the leading element's num and add "1" at the end

  4. scenario 4

    1. If both the nums are 'irregular/auto assigned' and the leading element’s num has more characters than the trailing element’s num:

    2. take the leading element’s number and increment the (last) letter to the next letter of the alphabet with the following exception:

    3. Miss out “O” in the alphabetical sequence

    4. If the last letter is “Z” or “z”, duplicate the value in the leading element's num and add "1" at the end

  5. scenario 5

    1. If both the nums are 'irregular/auto assigned' and the leading element’s num has less characters than the trailing element’s num:

    2. take the second element’s number and add a “Z” or “z” immediately before the last letter (dependent on the case of the trailing element’s num)

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