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Managing Dates


You can add and update made, laid and coming-into-force dates in an SI using the Update Dates dialogue box.

How to update Dates

To add or update dates, start clicking on the dates block of the SI in the Editor. It is highlighted in blue.


That will bring up the Update Dates dialogue box:

How to update an existing date

  1. Click on the pencil icon next to the date you wish to update.

  2. Make required changes and click on Update button.

  3. When you have finished updating the Date information, click on Save.

How to add a Date

To add a new date:

  1. Click on the Add Date button.

  2. Select a date type from the drop-down list.

  3. Select a date description from the drop-down list.

  4. Select a date and time (if required).

  5. When you have added your date, click Add button.

  6. When you have finished click Save.

How to delete Date information

To delete a particular date:

  1. Click on the ‘x’ button next to the Date you wish to remove.

  2. Click Save.

How to change a Coming into Force Date

To edit the Coming into Force date description:

  1. Either edit the existing ‘Coming into Force’ option or add a new date (see above instructions)

  2. Ensure the Date type is ‘Coming into Force’

  3. In the Date Description select the most appropriate text and by typing in the box add the appropriate text. Select ‘Other’, if you type in an alternative option.

  4. Update the rest of the dialogue box if appropriate.

  5. Click on Update

  6. Click on Save

How to change the order

You can change the order of dates, by clicking and dragging them in the Update Dates dialogue box.

Hints and tips

Dates in your SI should always appear in Chronological Order, however if you change the dates by inserting or deleting a date, Lawmaker will not change this automatically.

You can overwrite the date or time in the input field if you find this easier to change than the date or time picker

Lawmaker will format the date or date and time when it is inserted into the Preface according to the approved format

The date description can be overwritten if the option you need is not in the drop-down list.

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