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[Lords] Cloning amendments

See Moving or copying amendments to a different stage (including ping pong motions) for steps on how to ‘clone’ (copy) an amendment to a different stage

  • You can now copy amendments to different stages which is essentially the same things as “Clone” (a feature from Lords Amendment System (LAS)).

  • Make sure you select “Copy amendment to a different stage” as this will perform the following steps:

    • remove any assigned number

    • remove its DNumber (unique identifier e.g. HoL1) and assign a new one

    • leave the copied amendment assigned to its current stage/bill version

    • remove any proposer and supporters

    • remove any lifecycle events from it (e.g. if it had been submitted or tabled) so that it appears as ‘Draft’ once copied to the new stage

  • The difference between move and copy:

    • Move will simply move the amendment (and all its associated data & event history) from one stage/bill version to another, bring with the amendment all its history and metadata.

    • Copy will duplicate the amendment the amendment, creating a new version and stripping it of non-relevant data as described above.

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