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[Lords] Amendment to Amendments not appearing in correct location for new clause/schedule amendments

When you have an amendment to a new clause or new schedule amendment, and the new clause or new schedule hasn’t been assigned an official number yet, you will need to manually update a location attribute on the amendment’s Amendment Information r-h panel.


  1. In the Editor, update the italic text for your amendment to amendment so that it reads e.g. “As an amendment to the amendment in the name of Lord Purvis of Tweed to After Clause 2 printed on sheet HL Bill 128(a)”.

  2. Save your change.

  3. Open the Amendment Information right-hand panel

  4. Click in the empty ‘Location’ cell of the location table and type “before” or “after” as appropriate

  5. Wait for the spinner to finish spinning before saving your changes.

When you save, the text in the italic note is parsed by Lawmaker to workout the location information that is displayed in the Amendment Information right-hand panel. It can pick up the clause or schedule that an amendment to amendment is referring to (e.g. Provision = “sec_2” in the example above) but it doesn’t recognise “before” or “after” in the italic note. LMS-623 is the new requirement to update the parsing logic to recognise this information. In the meantime you need to manually include this when drafting/updating an amendment to an amendment to ensure the amendment is sorted under the correct interstitial heading in the official list.

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