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LMS-581 Can't insert text following footnotes


It is difficult to go back and insert text following a footnote. Typing immediately after insert a footnote (Alt F) works fine. However, if you try and click after an existing footnote which is at the end of a paragraph, the cursor is placed inside the footnote element where text isn’t allowed so when you type an error is displayed.


There are a number of ways to get round this issue:

  1. if the footnote is hidden, click just to the right of the footnote then press the right arrow key twice (the “Text” breadcrumb should then be highlighted);

  2. if the footnote is expanded, place your cursor at the very end of any text in the footnote and again press the right arrow key twice.

  3. Select Documents menu>Preferences. Select Full Tags from the Tags display mode menu. Click Apply.

Find the footnote. place your cursor between the Footnote tag and Text tag and type your text.

To turn off Full Tags, follow the steps above and select No Tags (or your preferred setting).

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.