LMS-579 Can't generate PDF, duplicate, download or share working version
This issue occasionally affects working versions of Bills or SIs. If a document is affected by this issue:
generating a PDF will fail;
attempts to duplicate the working version will fail with an error “Can not checkin a document to a non-primary Version Series without the 'Branched From Version Description' property set.”;
attempts to do any other action which generates a snapshot will also fail, e.g. download Zip file, Share, Publish.
To ascertain if this specific issue is affecting a document you are working on, trying duplicating it. If you get the error message described above then follow the workarounds described below until this issue is resolved by our developers.
To generate a PDF
In the Generate PDF dialog box, uncheck the option to Record snapshot.
Click Generate and the PDF should display as normal.
To create a new working version that isn’t affected by the problem
First make sure the version is saved.
On the project tab, click on the toggle next to the affected working version so you can see all the snapshot versions. You should be able to see an “Auto-backup” snapshot which will be the document as last saved.
In the Actions menu for that snapshot, select Download zip file.
Uncheck the “Resolve dates in XML” option and click Download.
Extract the XML file from the zip file and then use the Upload Document option on the Project tab to reimport it into your project.