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LMS-52b Amendment is being shown/sorted as if it were a new clause/section amendment when it is a clause/page/line amendment


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Issue description

If you create an amendment as a new clause/section amendment (or new schedule amendment) and then edit the amendment so it amends an existing clause/section/schedule instead, then the amendment may continue to appear in the Amendment manager and to be sorted in amendment lists as if it were a new clause amendment.

This is a result of how Lawmaker parses amendments:

  1. When the amendment is first created and saved, it is parsed and key information is stored in attributes to help Lawmaker sort it correctly. In particular, the clause number, page and line numbers are all stored. For new clause amendments, whether the clause is being inserted “before” or “after” is also stored.

  2. When the amendment is edited so it is no longer a new clause amendment and saved, it is parsed again and the page and line information is updated. However, even though it no longer refers to inserting before or after the clause, the attribute that stores that information is not being updated.


If an amendment appears in the Amendment Manager including “After” or “Before” in the location column when it isn’t a new clause/schedule amendment, you can manually edit the amendment information to remove the erroneous attribute.

  1. On the Amendment Manager tab, open the amendment in an temporary list (Amendment Actions>Create temporary list)

  2. In the editor, place your cursor in the amendment.

  3. Click on the Amendment Information panel on the right

  4. Delete the text “After” or “Before” that appears in the Location field (do not use space bar to delete the text as this will leave a whitespace)

  5. Wait 5 seconds or so until the amendment is updated

  6. Save the amendment.

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