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LMS-41 Amendment numbering doesn't restart in SP and HoL amendment lists between stages


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When you generate a Scottish Parliament amendment list or a House of Lords amendment list, the numbering assigned to new amendments is based on the existing published amendments. The numbering logic applies to all amendments relating to a particular Bill version.

If there are no amendments agreed to at a particular stage then the Bill will not be republished after that stage and amendments at a subsequent stage will be against the original Bill version.

As a result, currently Lawmaker will assign numbers in subsequent stage that continue on from the numbering at the previous stage when amendments should restart at 1 for each stage.


Even though an “as-amended” Bill version doesn’t need to be created, if you publish one internally in Lawmaker that will force the numbering to return to 1. It is best to do this immediately after the first amending stage is complete (i.e. when you know that there is no need to publish a real as-amended version) - this will mean that all amendments can be drafted against the new version. If it is done later, you can use the Move Amendments to another Stage feature to associate existing amendments with the new version.

  1. Open the last published version of the Bill in the Editor.

  2. Click on the Document Information panel on the right

  3. In the version rubric dropdown, select “Other…” and enter a name that will help you identify that this is a version published for the purposes of the subsequent stage only, e.g. “As Introduced - Report stage”

  4. Wait 5 seconds for the Bill to be updated and then save the document.

  5. Generate a PDF of the Bill, making sure line numbering is on and that a snapshot will be saved.

  6. Close the Editor and publish the new PDF snapshot.

You should now find that on the Amendment Workspace, Amendment Manager and Official List tabs, that the default version is now the custom version you entered in step 3 above.

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