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LMS-2269 LoDA created from temporary list doesn't behave correctly


An issue has been identified when you create a list of draft amendments (a LoDA) by saving a temporary list, i.e. when you:

  1. Select some amendments from the Amendment Manager tab

  2. From the Actions menu, select Create Temporary List

  3. From the Document menu, select Save as… to create a LoDA from that list.

Several aspects of working with this kind of list will not operate correctly, e.g.

  • New amendments created on the list will not appear on the Amendment Manager.

  • Dragging and dropping amendments to change the order will result in new amendments being created rather than the original amendment being moved.

  • Likewise, pasting in an amendment from another list will result in a new amendment being created rather than the original amendment.

  • Trying to duplicate the list will result in an error.

The root cause of the issue is a missed consequential from changes that were made in version 15 to better handle Bill versions for UK Bills.

To determine whether an existing LoDA is affected by this issue, try duplicating it (On the project tab, select Actions>Duplicate version in relation to the relevant LoDA). If duplicating fails then the LoDA is affected by the issue - a new LoDA should be created using the approach described in the workaround (copying the amendments from the affected list rather than a new temporary list).


Since the issue affects the list, not the amendments, the best workaround is to create a separate list and copy the amendments into it rather than using the Save as… feature. So:

  1. Select amendments from the Amendment Manager tab.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Create Temporary List.

  3. Copy all of the amendments in the list (use ctrl+click to select multiple amendments in the structure view).

  4. Go back to the Amendment Workspace tab and create a new LoDA from there.

  5. Place you cursor in the empty amendment in the new LoDA and paste all the amendments from the temporary list.

  6. Delete the empty amendment at the beginning of the LoDA

  7. Save the new LoDA and close the temporary list.

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