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Lawmaker Acceptable Use Policy

This document sets out your responsibility, as a user of Lawmaker, to use the application in an appropriate way. This will help protect you, other users and partner organisations by reducing the risk of things like an accidental data breach or a successful cyber-attack.

This policy is in addition to, and does not over-ride, your organisation’s IT policies, which also apply to your use of Lawmaker. 

What is Lawmaker?

Lawmaker is an online application supporting the drafting and amending of legislation, both primary legislation (Bills and Acts) and secondary legislation (SIs and SSIs).  It is used across the UK Government and Parliament and the Scottish Government and Parliament.

Accessing Lawmaker


You should access Lawmaker from a device (e.g. a laptop) provided by your organisation wherever possible.  If you need to access Lawmaker from an alternative device, e.g. because your corporate network isn’t available, only use a device and an internet connection you trust and ensure you sign out of Lawmaker as soon as you have finished. Do not access Lawmaker from a public device, such as a computer in an Internet café.


You should access Lawmaker using either Google Chrome or a version of Microsoft Edge which uses the Chromium engine (v.79 onwards); Lawmaker will not work with Internet Explorer or older versions of Edge.  For help upgrading your browser, click here.

Accounts, login and passwords

When your account is created, follow the instructions you receive by email as soon as possible to complete the setup.

You should create a secure password following best practice guidance. You will also need to use an authentication application (such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator) on a phone or tablet to complete setup and to login in future - you can find more information in the Multi-factor authentication guide.

Keep login details secure and do not share them with anyone else.  Don’t login to Lawmaker using another user’s credentials.

Protecting information

Lawmaker can be used to create and store OFFICIAL, including OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE, documents.  It should not be used to store legislation above this classification.  For further information on document classifications, see the Government Security Classifications.

Lawmaker is designed as a collaborative tool allowing multiple users to work on the same documents and for documents and information to be shared among different organizations. It is therefore particularly important you act responsibly and professionally in handling and protecting information. This includes:

  • Ensuring all information in Lawmaker is created, used, shared and disposed of in line with business need and in compliance your organisation’s Information Management Policy,

  • Only accessing documents that you have a valid business reason to access,

  • Not deleting, amending, sharing or downloading documents unless authorised to do so,

  • Not attempting to gain unauthorized access to information on Lawmaker or doing anything that might prevent legitimate access to it,

  • Being careful not to be overlooked in public areas when using Lawmaker.

 Note: All activity on Lawmaker is audited and logs are available to authorised persons for examination.


Any actual or suspected breach of this policy should be reported as soon as possible to your Line Manager and to the Lawmaker Service Team. You may also follow an appropriate whistleblowing procedure if you believe someone is misusing Lawmaker or the information it holds.

Note that breaching this policy may result in suspension of user accounts and/or disciplinary procedures (including criminal prosecution) which could lead to dismissal.

Version: v1.0 - March 2024

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