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Inserting Explanatory Notes

Explanatory notes appears at the end of the document.

How to insert an Explanatory Note

From the upper tool bar, select ‘Insert > Insert explanatory note’

The system will insert an explanatory note at the end of your document.

  • If an explanatory note already exists, a new explanatory note will be added after it

Hints and tips

You can add numbered paragraphs which default to the numbering format (a) but can be over-written if desired. 

You can insert nested numbered paragraphs which will default to the numbering format (i) or (aa) depending on the nesting level

You can add bullet lists to your explanatory note by selecting ‘List’

The bullet can be changed to an em-dash or nothing at all by right-clicking on any item in the bulleted list and selecting ‘Update List style’

You can insert headings in your explanatory notes which have been styled to look like Regulation (or article etc.) headings.

If you have two or more separate blocks of numbered paragraphs in your Explanatory Note, the system will not be able to distinguish between the for renumbering.  So, make sure you only highlight the block of paragraphs that you want to renumber, rather than selecting the whole Explanatory Note.

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