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Generating a Lords Marshalled List

Generating an official list will automatically populate the appropriate document template with relevant amendments, sorted and grouped under appropriate interstitial headings.

How to generate a Lords Marshalled List

  1. Create a list by:

    1. From the Amendment Manager tab: select Amendment Actions > Create Official List from the dropdown menu in the top right of the page

    2. From the Official List tab: click on the Create List button

  2. Select Lords Marshalled List

  3. Update the relevant information in the dialog box and click on Create

  4. A new tab opens with the appropriate document template, containing relevant amendments sorted and grouped under applicable interstitial headings

See Troubleshooting if you encounter any unexpected outcomes when generating a Marshalled List

Process and logic for auto-generating the Lords Marshalled List

Filtering which amendments to include in the list:

Amendments will appear in the Marshalled List if:

  • they were recorded as having been “tabled” up to the specified cut-off date/time of the amendment list, and

  • All withdrawn (Withdrawn before debate) will be if they have previously been published on a Marshalled List

Sorting the amendments

  • They will be sorted in the order they appear in the bill or by the Order of Consideration, if there is one (see Sorting logic used by Lords amendment lists for more information on sort logic).

  • Amendments to amendments will be sorted by the page/line information or the amendment number they are linked to. This information is automatically captured by parsing the italic amendment note on amendments to amendments when saving.

Populating the list

  • As part of populating the list with amendments, interstitial headings are automatically inserted before each amendment group e.g. “Clause 2”; “After Schedule 2” etc.

  • If there was an order of consideration, it will be included in the header of the list

  • Amendments are numbered according to the Amendment Numbering Logic

  • Any amendment that has not previously been published on another list will be assigned a black star

Amendment Numbering Logic

  • Numbers will be assigned to amendments after they have been filtered, sorted and inserted into the list. 

  • Numbers will be assigned to amendments that have been recently tabled amendment and that have not been published on a Marshalled List or Manuscript List

  • The number will be inserted into the amendment's //num (overwriting any existing value) following the auto-assign numbering algorithm used in the Editor for numbering provisions e.g. 1A for an amendment between amendments 1 and 2, A1 for an amendment before amendment 1 etc.. (Amendments to amendments (A2As) are treated the same as ordinary amendments)

  • The only amendments not to receive a number are the ones drafted at Committee stage that contain the text "intention to oppose" in the instruction (stand part motions). 

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