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Footnotes - incorrect formatting in PDF when tracked changes are in document

Issue description

When tracked changes are active and a footnote is added to a document, and a PDF is generated (with Tracked changes showing), these footnotes will render incorrectly, with additional lines before and after. See Screenshot 1 below.

When a PDF is generated with 'show changes applied', the spacing issue still remains if there are still tracked changes active in the footnotes - see screenshot 2 below.

The same issue occurs when you generate a 'Compare' document that has equivalent additions of footnotes.


To amend this issue, accept tracked changes in the specific area of the footnote.

For guidance on accepting tracked changes, see How to accept/reject tracked changes in Using tracked changes .

Screenshot 1 - Tracked change footnotes with SI


Screenshot 2 - PDF generated without tracked changes visible (but with tracked changes in the document)



Raised by

Affects version

Jira/Trello reference(s)



Ben Brown




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