Finding projects on the Dashboard
The Dashboard is the screen you will see when you login.
The Dashboard gives you access to all the projects that are available to you. You can filter what is shown in different ways and switch between two different views, the Tile view and the List view.
You can get back to it any time by pressing on the home icon in the top left of the screen.

A project becomes visible on the dashboard when there is at least one document in it that you have access to (either read and write or read only). If you do not have access to any document in a project, you will not see the project on your dashboard.
The details about a project (e.g. title, number etc.) shown on the dashboard are updated when a user saves changes to a document within the project:
When a bill contains a published document, the project data will only be updated when a subsequent bill within it has been published or submitted to the National Archive’s publishing tool as enacted legislation
When a SI contains a document that has been submitted to the National Archive’s publishing tool either as a Draft or Made document version
How to switch between Tile view and List view on the Dashboard
You can choose whether you would prefer to see your dashboard in tile format or in list format.
If you are on the Tile view and want to view projects in a list, click on the List view button in the top left, next to the search field.
If you are on the List view and want to view projects as tiles, click on the Tile view button in the top left, next to the search field.
Sorting the projects displayed on the Dashboard
The Tile view is sorted alphabetically by project title. You can’t change the sort order.
By default, the List view is sorted alphabetically by project title but you can change the sort order by clicking on the relevant column heading.

How to filter the projects shown on the Dashboard
You can use the controls across the top of the Dashboard to filter what projects are shown. Lawmaker will remember your filter settings when you next return to the Dashboard, even if you’ve logged out in between.
There are four ways you can filter the projects shown:
by project title
by favourites
by session e.g. "58/1" for UK Bills or "6" for SP Bills
by project type (UK Bills/Acts, SP Bills/Acts, or Statutory Instruments)
You can combine different filters together (the effect is cumulative).
Project title
Enter a word or words into the “Filter by project title…” search field. The Dashboard will update as you type.
To remove the search filter, clear any text out of the search field.
You can select a project to be a 'favourite' which is useful tool for controlling the view of your dashboard so that only 'favourites' are displayed.
To mark a project as a favourite, click on the pin icon on the top right of the project tile (in Tile view) or to the left of the project title (if in List view). To unmark a project as a favourite, do the same.
Click on the Favourites button to show only projects marked as favourite. The button will be highlighted orange when the dashboard is being filtered by favourite projects only.
Whenever you create a new project, it will automatically be marked as a favourite.
How to open a project
You can access the documents in a project by clicking on a project from the Dashboard.
To open a project:
In Tile view, click on the project title or the ‘Open’ link at the bottom of the project tile.
In List view, click on the project title or the open folder button to the right of the project row.
The system will open the project and take you to the Project Tab, displaying all versions of the document that you have access to.