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Drafting Church Measures

Creating a new Church Measure project

To create a new Church Measure project, click the New button in the top-right of the Lawmaker dashboard, then select Church Measure from the ‘Type’ drop-down menu.


Screenshot showing the ‘New’ button on the dashboard


Screenshot showing the ‘Create new project’ modal with ‘Church Measure’ selected as the document Type

Select one of two possible Sub-types: Measure or Consolidation Measure.

Give your project a title and click ‘Create’ to create a new Church Measure project.

Creating working versions and using the Editor

Church Measures are extremely similar to UK Public Bills. Refer to the pages under Drafting and editing for help with drafting the provisions in your Measure, creating structure, and managing working versions.

Generating a PDF of a Measure with the stage name in the footer

To indicate the stage the Measure has reached in the General Synod, you may wish to add a note to the footer of any PDFs generated from your Measure document. You can generate a PDF from within the Editor, by clicking the ‘Document’ menu and selecting Generate PDF, or from the project page (refer to Generating and viewing a PDF for additional information on how to generate PDFs).

In the ‘Generate PDF’ modal, select ‘Insert footer note’ and specify the stage name in the text box, then click ‘Generate’ to generate a PDF of your Measure:


Screenshot showing the ‘Generate PDF' modal with a Footer Note added and Line Numbering selected

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