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Disabling and deleting an account

User accounts can be disabled which will prevent the user from accessing Lawmaker. A disabled account can be subsequently deleted. Both of these actions can be done on the User Management screen.

You may wish to disable an account if, for example, the user is on extended leave or on secondment but you expect the user to return. The account can then be re-enabled when they come back.

Accounts should also be disabled if they have been dormant for a significant length of time, e.g. 3 months.

Accounts should be deleted where the user has left the post that required access to Lawmaker (even if they have transferred to another organisation who also uses Lawmaker). Accounts should also be deleted if they have been dormant for an extended period, e.g. 1 year, or if they haven’t been activated when initially set up.

How to disable an account

  1. From the User Management screen (see User Administration), find the user you want to disable. You can use the filter above the list of users to help find the account by entering some of the account name or e-mail address.

  2. Click on the Actions menu for the user you want to disable and select Disable User.

A message will appear confirming the account has been disabled. The account status will also change to Inactive.

The user will no longer have access to Lawmaker. If they try and log in they will receive an ‘Invalid username or password’ message.

How to re-activate a disabled account

Disabled accounts can be reactivated by following the same steps as used to disable the account.

  1. Find the user you want to re-activate on the User Management screen.

  2. Click on the Actions menu for the user you want to re-activate and select Activate User.

Once activated, the user will be able to log in to Lawmaker again using their previous credentials.

How to delete an account

You can only delete an account if you have disabled it first.

  1. Find the user you want to delete on the User Management screen.

  2. Click on the Actions menu for the user you want to delete and select Delete User.

A message will be displayed confirming the account has been deleted.

Account deletion cannot be undone. If the user subsequently requires access then a new account will need to be created.

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