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Deleting content has deleted more than I intended

The safest way to delete a whole element in Lawmaker (e.g. a paragraph inside a quoted structure, a whole amendment, an explanatory statement etc.) is to use the breadcrumb which is usually displayed at the bottom of the Editor, unless you have deliberately moved it to appear at the top of the Editor view.

  1. In the screenshot above, the breadcrumb is at the bottom with a red marker around it

  2. The breadcrumb shows you where your cursor is currently located

  3. In this example, my cursor is in paragraph (b)

  4. I have clicked on ‘Paragraph’ in the breadcrumb and this highlights the paragraph that my cursor was in

  5. I can now click on ‘delete’ or ‘backspace’ to safely remove the whole paragraph

  6. If I wanted to delete the whole quoted structure, I would select “Quoted Structure” in the breadcrumb and use ‘delete’ or ‘backspace’ and I’d be left with the amendment instruction.

  1. In this example, my cursor is inside the explanatory statement.  

  2. If I clicked on ‘Explanatory Statement’ in the breadcrumb, it would highlight the whole explanatory statement and I’d be able to delete it

  3. If I wanted to delete the whole amendment, I would click on ‘Amendment’ in the breadcrumb.  This would highlight the whole amendment and I would be able to delete it

  4. Deleting amendments will remove them from the list that you are looking at, but it will not remove them from the project and they will still appear in the ‘Amendment Manager’ tab.  In a future release, it will be possible to delete amendments from the Amendment Manager.

see also Inserting, modifying and deleting provisions for more information

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