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Create a new user

You can create a new user in your organisation if you have user admin permissions. This is done from the user management screen - see User Administration.

How to create a new user

  1. Click on the Create User button on the right of the screen.

  2. Enter a username for the new user.

  3. Enter the user’s e-mail address.

  4. Click on Create.

A message will pop up confirming the new user has been created and an email will be sent to the new user.

The email will provide the user with a temporary password which must be used within 48 hours to active the account. Otherwise the account will become disabled and will need reset before it can be used.

It may be worth contacting the user after the account is set up to remind them to activate their account.

Further information on setting up multi-factor authentication can be found in theMulti-factor authentication guide .

Tips for selecting a user name

  • A simple approach is use the first part of the user’s email address (i.e. the part before the @ symbol) or to use their full name with a full stop between each name.

  • You can include full stops and other punctuation in usernames but not spaces.

  • Usernames are not case sensitive.

  • Lawmaker usernames must be unique across every organisation that uses Lawmaker. If you receive an error when setting up a new user, try making the name more unique by adding an organisation identifier (e.g. “.opc”) at the end or a number.

If a new user does not receive the notification email

  • Check the email address is correct. If it is wrong then delete the account and create a new account.

  • Ask the user to check the email has not gone into their spam or junk folders.

  • Try resetting the account - see Reset an account .

  • Contact the Lawmaker Service Team.

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