[Lords] Copying amendments from LAS to paste into Lawmaker
Members, including the Whip’s Offices currently use Lords Amendment System (LAS) to submit amendments to the Lords PBO for tabling.
There is a features on LAS which allows the PBO to copy an amendment from LAS and paste it into Lawmaker using Smart Paste.
How to copy amendments from LAS
Open the amendment you want to copy into Lawmaker
Click on the “Copy to Clipboard” button
In Lawmaker
Ensure you have a List Draft Amendments (LoDA) open in the Editor for the appropriate bill and stage
Place your cursor in the Instruction element of an empty amendment (click ‘Enter’ and select “Amendment” to insert an empty amendment)
Use the paste keyboard short cut Ctrl + V to paste the copied amendment
Pasting amendments from LAS relies on Smart Paste. See Smart paste for more information on how it works and also its limitations
If you find the amendment is pasted badly into Lawmaker, it could be due to a structure that isn’t currently supported by Smart Paste. The page on smart paste will provide useful tips on navigating around its limitations, but it may be easier to paste the provisions in one-by-one.