Bulk update of proposers and supporters
You can update the proposers and supporters in multiple amendments at the same time. You can:
Update the amendments so they all have the same proposer, or
Add, remove or replace supporters on selected amendments.

How to update members in more than one amendment
Open the amendments in the Editor - you can open an existing list, e.g. a LoDA or a marshalled list, or you can create a Temporary list.
From the Tools menu, select Update Members…
In the dialog box that appears, first select the amendments you want to update. By default, all amendments in the list will be updated but you can select specific amendments using the Amendments to update dropdown menu.
Select which action you want to perform. You can replace the proposer with a new proposer, remove specific supporters, add specific supporters or replace the existing supporters with new supporters.
Enter the member or members to be added or removed in the Member(s) box.
Click Update.
The selected amendments will be updated and you can then save you changes if you’re happy with the update.
This feature will also work with ping pong motions but it will only change the proposer and supporters of the motion, not any amendments within the motion.